Tony Pfeiffer, The Joy Of Learning Guy
Hello, I am Tony Pfeiffer, The Joy of Learning Guy. I help rookie moms and dads focus their love and time with their children to practice 10 MINUTE LEARNING EVERYDAY! This lays a foundation for learning and fuels it for life.
My formal training is in business (undergradaute degree) and community leadership (masters). My work expereince ranges from accounting, management, ministry, non-profit programming, training, coaching, and teaching. I am part scientist, part inventor, part teacher. Scientist = I have to understand what I am discoverying and learning. Inventor = What are the way cool things we do with this to help others? Teacher = Share the joy of learning. What fuels my passion are two questions: How did the public education system get so whacked? Why aren't we teaching brain learning principles to moms and dads in their homes? I want to keep the joy of learning alive. Together, we are chaning the conversation and the yardstick of learning, one family at a time.